NamekianNameks start of with a
PL of 550
Ki - 100
Speed - 150
Endurance - 50
Intelligence - 150
Strength - 50
Defense- 50
Namek - Nameks are a peaceful race originated from Planet Namek. Their natural skin color is green, bald, antennas and super natural hearing. They're capable of regenerating their body parts, and the creators of the Dragonballs. Most namekians are gifted with great speed.
Techniques -
Are Able To Extend Their limbs
Can regenerate body parts by using half their amount of KI
Can Hear Very Far
KyodaikaThe user grows 30x their own size giving them incredible strength but makes them slower than usual. Because of their large size all Ki based attacks do 3x more damage as they usually would, are larger but very easy to dodge.
Required: 10,000 PL
Gained While In This Form:10x Strength, 3x Ki (Speed Cut In Half)
Lasts: Until the user desires
This transformation is gained by getting the required amount of PL, because this really isn't a proper transformation there is no training needed to attain this form just ask an admin to put it in your techniques list.
Super Namek An improved version of a namekian, said to be the power of two strong namekians combined. In this version, nameks have the ability to quadruple their strengths. The user gains a bright whitish-blue Aura and their speed and senses double.
Required: 800,000 PL
Gain:4x Strength, 2x Endurance , 2x Ki, 4x Speed, 4x Defense
Lasts: 4 Posts (until 16,000,000 PL then you may keep it on until you decide to turn it off)
This transformation is gained by have the required PL and having another Namekian fuse with you to gain this form.
Mystic Namek Mystic Namekian can only be unlock if you're good. It's the powers of a Super Namek but unlocked so they can go beyond it's limits.
Required: 5,000,000 PL
Gain:7x Strength , 4x Endurance, 4x Ki, 7x Speed, 7x Defense
Lasts: 3 Posts ( until 20,000,000 PL then you may keep it on until you decide to turn it off)
This technique is gained through meditating for 3 days this means an RP post of you meditating each day you make one post detailing what you are meditating about. If you do some bad stuff you lose this form. Once this form is lost it can never be attained again.
Daimou NamekDaimou Namek can only be unlocked if you are evil. It's the powers of the Super Namek but has unlocked the evil inside your heart.
Required: 5,000,000 PL
Gain:5x Wisdom, 7x Strength , 4x Endurance, 4x Ki, 7x Defense
lasts: 3 posts (until 20,000,000 PL then you may keep it on until you decide to turn it off)
This technique is gained through meditating destructive thoughts for 3 days this means an RP post of you meditating each day you make one post detailing what you are meditating about. If you go above 0 alignment you lose this form. Once this form is lost it can never be attained again.